- Go to the Income Tax e-Filing portal, https://www.incometax.gov.in/iec/foportal/
- Login to e-Filing portal by entering user ID (PAN), and check “Please confirm your secure access” message displayed above then enter password and then click on “Continue”.
- Go to 'e-File'> 'Income Tax Returns>File Income Tax Return' ink.
- On Income Tax Return Page:
- Select 'Assessment Year'
- Select Online in Select Mode of Filing
- Click on Start Filing
- Select Type of assessed and click on “Continue”
- Click on “Start New Filing”
- Select from “Individuals/HUF/Others”
- Select 'ITR Form’
- Click on proceed
- Click on “Let’s get Started
- Select applicable option from “Are you filing Income Tax Return any of the following reason?”
- Click on Continue button
5. Read the Instructions carefully and Fill all the applicable and mandatory fields of the Online ITR Form.
6. After confirmation of all tab, click on “Proceed”.
7. Click on “Preview return” check out the first check box and click on “Proceed to preview”. ITR form can be downloaded or take print out.
8. Click on “Proceed to validation” The error list will be displayed, resolve the error so get zero error and click on “Proceed to verification”.
9. E-Verification process shall be same as offline method as discussed above.