- If the applicant is a first time user, he/she needs to click the Register Tab provided in top right corner in this page and then get registered with the necessary fields such as Full Name, Mobile No., Email id (which is not mandatory), State and Password.
- Then the applicant needs to login with the credentials, by clicking the Login Tab.
- After the applicant has logged on to the system, he/she needs to click the Apply Online tab and select the service they want to apply for and click the apply button after going through the Requirements tab.
- Applicant has to fill up the form and upload the required supporting documents.
- After successful submission of the form, an acknowledgement will be generated containing the application reference no. .The application is then forwarded to higher officials for further processes. The same will be notified over SMS and Email id of the applicant.
- An applicant can view and track the status of the application by clicking the Track button and entering the applicant’s application reference no.
- In case, if there are any discrepancies or mismatch found in the online application, the applicant needs to makes the necessary corrections in the online application or has to apply through a fresh online application. The applicant will be notified about this over SMS and Email id by the concerned official.
- If the applicant applying for the certificate belongs to autonomous council the certificate is delivered within 30 days of form submission without any further process. The same will be notified over SMS and Email.
- If the applicant applying for the certificate belongs to normal places, further physical verification is done. If the physical verification is unsuccessful a query is sent to the applicant regarding any rectification that is required. The applicant will get notified about this over SMS and Email.
- If all the processes are correct than the applicant will receive an SMS and Email that the certificate is ready within 30 working days.
- Applicant needs to download the Non Creamy Layer Certificate from the ARTPS Portal .
Supporting Documents :
- Permanent resident certificate or any other proof of residency - Electricity Bill,Registered Land Document,Voter ID,EPIC Card,Permanent Resident Certificate ,Bank Passbook first page with photo,Aadhaar Card,Ration Card of Applicant or Parent
- Digital OBC/MOBC certificate issued by competent authority.
- Income certificate of the parents/husband/wife of the applicant from the Circle Officer if they are Agriculturists / Income certificate from controlling authority / Treasury Officer if retired salaried parents.
- Upload the Scanned Copy of Application Form.
- Other documents - Voter List,Affidavit,Existing OBC/MOBC certificate,Others
Stipulated Time Limit : 30 days
Fees :
- Convenience Fee - Rs. 10
- Statutory charges - Rs. 30
- Service charge (through PFC/CSC) - Rs. 30
- Printing charge (in case of any printing from PFC/CSC) - Rs. 10 per page
- Scanning charge (in case documents are scanned in PFC/CSC) - Rs. 5 per page