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Certificate of Service

Apply Now kys
  1. If the applicant is a first time user, he/she needs to click the Register Tab provided in top right corner in this page and then get registered with the necessary fields such as Full Name, Mobile No., Email id (which is not mandatory), State and Password.
  2. Then the applicant needs to login with the credentials, by clicking the Login Tab.
  3. After the applicant has logged on to the system, he/she needs to click the Apply Online tab and select the service they want to apply for and click the apply button after going through the Requirements tab.
  4. Applicant has to fill up the form and upload the required supporting documents.
  5. After successful submission of the form, an acknowledgement will be generated containing the application reference no. .The application is then forwarded to higher officials for further processes. The same will be notified over SMS and Email id of the applicant.
  6. An applicant can view and track the status of the application by clicking the Track button and entering the applicant’s application reference no.
  7. In case, if there are any discrepancies or mismatch found in the online application, the applicant needs to makes the necessary corrections in the online application or has to apply through a fresh online application. The applicant will be notified about this over SMS and Email id by the concerned official.
  8. If all processes are correct than a date is assigned for Physical inspection. The applicant will get notified about the inspection details over SMS and Email.
  9. If the Inspection is successful, the applicant will be notified to pay the requisite animal tax and application fee over SMS and Email.
  10. After successful submission of documents, the Certiciate will be generated and the applicant can download it from the ARTPS portal. The same will be notified to the applicant over SMS and Email.

Supporting Documents :

  • Address Proof of applicant-Passport, Bank Passbook, Voter ID, Latest electricity bill with payment receipt, Aadhaar, Driving License. [Any one mandatory for Master Class3 or Serang ]
  • Age Proof of applicant- Not less than twenty one years of age [ mandatory for Master Class3 or Serang/Engine Driver Class 2 ]
  • Approved preparatory course completion certificate by competent authority (mandatory)
  • Medical fitness certificate in Form-1 (mandatory)
  • Any  four basic safety courses completion certificate approved by Assam Inland Water Transport Regulatory Authority(mandatory)
  • Elementary First Aid (EFA)
  • Proficiency in survival techniques(PST)
  • Personal safety and social responsibility(PSSR) &
  • Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting(FPFF)
  • Security Training For Seafarers with Designated Security Duties (STSDSD))

Stipulated Time Limit : 30 Days

Fees :

Application Charge:  Rs. 100 /-

Convenience Fee  :  Rs. 10/-          

Time of payment: At the time of submission of the application

Mode of payment: ONLINE

More Services By Transport

Duplicate Registration Certificate for Transport /Non-transport Vehicle Certificate of Fitness of Transport Vehicles Registration of Boats and Vessels Ownership Transfer for Non-Transport/Transport Vehicle Hypothecation Termination Renewal of Driving License for Transport/Non-Transport Duplicate Driving License Hypothecation Addition Transfer of Ownership of a Registered Vessels Issuance of Duplicate Registration Certificate NOC for Transfer of Registry of a Registered Vessel to other Registering Authority Registration of Alteration No Objection Certificate for Transfer of Record of Registration to Other Registering Authority Renewal of Certificate of Survey Certificate of Competency Learner License for Transport/ Non-Transport Address change in RC Driving License for Transport/Non-Transport Cancellation of Vessel Registration General Purpose Rating of an inland vessel Renewal of Certificate of Survey for vessels registered under Registering Authority other than AIWTRA Application for Goods Carriage Permit Online Ferry Ticket Booking Registration of fully built motor vehicle Non-Transport (Dealer Point) - Vahan Registration of fully built motor vehicle Transport (Dealer Point) - Vahan Hypothecation Continuation - Vahan Special Permit - Vahan Fresh Permit - Vahan Duplicate Permit - Vahan Renewal of Permit - Vahan Transfer of Permit on Death Case - Vahan Permanent Surrender of Permit - Vahan Transfer of Permit - Vahan Duplicate Fitness Certificate - Vahan Mobile Number Update in Registration Certificate (RC) - Vahan Renewal of Permit Home authorization - Vahan Road Tax payment - Vahan Apply Registration Certificate (RC) Particulars - Vahan PUCC late fine payment - Vahan Withdrawal of Application/Service - Vahan Duplicate Trade Certificate - Vahan Online Payment for PUCC Prepaid Recharge - Vahan Dealer Authorization Certificate - Vahan Renewal of PUCC centre registration - Vahan Alteration of vehicle - Vahan Issue of Trade Certificate - Vahan Registration of New/old PUCC Centre - Vahan Renewal of Fitness Certificate Apply Driving License (DL) Extract - Sarathi Driving License (DL) Replacement - Sarathi Surrender of class of vehicle (COV) in DL - Sarathi International Driving Permit - Sarathi Change of Name in Driving License (DL) - Sarathi Change of Address in Conductor Licence - Sarathi Duplicate Conductor Licence - Sarathi Endrosment to Drive Hazardous Metarial - Sarathi Issue of PSV Badge to a Driver - Sarathi Change of Address in Driving License (DL) - Sarathi Change of Address in Learner License (LL) - Sarathi Change of Biometrics in Driving License (DL) - Sarathi Change of Name in Learner License (LL) - Sarathi Change of Name in CL - Sarathi Change of Biometrics in CL - Sarathi Mobile no Update in Driving License (DL) - Sarathi Re-issue of Expired Learner License (LL) - Sarathi Withdrawal of DL Application/Service - Sarathi Issue of Duplicate Learner License (LL) - Sarathi Apply Learner License (LL) Extract - Sarathi Issue New LL (Addition Of COV) for Holding DL/Learner License (LL) - Sarathi Issue of Conductor Licence - Sarathi Find Application Number in Sarathi Driving License (DL) club - Sarathi New Digital Driving Licence (DSL) - Sarathi Renewal Of Digital Driving Licence (DSL) - Sarathi Add/Modify Nominee in RC Re-assignment from BH To Running Series Re-assignment of Registration No (RMA) Re-assignment to BH Series No. Green Tax

Have any questions?

It is an act to provide for the delivery of notified public services to the people of the state of Assam within the stipulated time limit and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. The Assam government passed the RTPS Act in 2012.

Visit the Sewa Setu portal. Click on “Register” or “Login” on the homepage. This is located in the top right corner or the Login card of the portal. For new users click on "New User" and enter your mobile number and OTP, then provide personal details (name, DOB, etc.). Create login credentials. Submit the registration form. Check for a confirmation message. Login to your account.

This Act will help citizens access services in a time-bound manner and create a formal appellate process in the case of non-compliance.

Citizens can apply for any of the services notified under the ARTPS Act at this ARTPS Portal or any Public Facilitation Centre (PFC) or any Citizen Service Centre (CSC).

The citizen shall receive an acknowledgment after submission of the application by the Designated Officer or his/her authorized representative.
Toll Free Helpline No: 1800-345-3574


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