- If the applicant is a first time user, he/she needs to click the Register Tab provided in top right corner in this page and then get registered with the necessary fields such as Full Name, Mobile No., Email id (which is not mandatory), State and Password.
- Then the applicant needs to login with the credentials, by clicking the Login Tab.
- After the applicant has logged on to the system, he/she needs to click the Apply Online tab and select the service they want to apply for and click the apply button after going through the Requirements tab.
- Applicant is then redirected to the Transport site vahan.nic.in where they have to fill up the application form for the said service and upload the required supporting documents.
- Once the application is successfully submitted, the applicant will receive an acknowledgement number from the vahan site.
- With the help of the acknowledgement number an applicant can view and track the status of the application at the ARTPS Portal.
Supporting Documents :
Transfer of ownership in case of normal sale
- Application Form 29 (2 copies), Form 30 (1 copy), Form 26 ( 1 copy ) [Mandatory]
- Undertaking from both the seller and purchaser [Mandatory]
- Address proof of the purchaser ( voter id / passport / Life insurance copy / Aadhaar card) [Mandatory]
- Id proof of the seller and purchaser, (PAN of both seller and purchaser *) [Mandatory]
- Signature of both seller and purchaser to be matched in form 29 and form 30
- Existing Registration Certificate (RC) of the vehicle [Mandatory]
- Up-to-date Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate [Mandatory] viii. Copy of valid insurance certificate [Mandatory]
- If the vehicle is hypothecated, NOC from Bank / Financier in Form 35 [Optional]
Transfer of ownership on death of the owner of the vehicle
- Application Form 31 (1 copy), Form 26 ( 1 copy ) [Mandatory]
- Death certificate of the owner of the vehicle [Mandatory]
- Next of kin certificate * [Mandatory]
- Address proof of the legal beneficiary * ( Voter ID/ Passport / Life Insurance copy / Aadhaar Card) [Mandatory ] * In case of death of the owner of a vehicle, ownership of the vehicle is legally transferred to the spouse of the vehicle owner (provided the spouse of the vehicle owner is alive)
- Affidavit by the legal beneficiary in support of his succession to the vehicle [Mandatory] * If the legal beneficiary of the vehicle is not alive, then the eldest sibling is eligible for the ownership transfer. In such case, the legal beneficiary has to submit the next of kin certificate
- Death certificates of the vehicle owner and the legal beneficiary * [Mandatory] • If the legal beneficiary ( The spouse of the vehicle owner) is also dead
- No objection certificate (notarized) by the other claimants of the vehicle * [Mandatory] * The all other eligible claimant (aged 18 years or above) of the vehicle has to provide their no objection in support of the ownership transfer to the applicant
- Existing Registration Certificate (RC) of the vehicle [Mandatory]
- Up-to-date Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate [Mandatory]
- Copy of valid insurance certificate [Mandatory]
- If the vehicle is hypothecated, NOC from Bank / Financier in Form 35 [Optional]
Note :
- After online submission of the application, applicant needs to visit the DTO for physical verification of the documents. The service delivery process will start only after physical verification of the documents
- Post final approval from DTO, applicant needs to visit the AMTRON counter for smart card fee payment.
Stipulated Time Limit : 15 days
Fees :
- Service charge (through PFC/CSC) - Rs. 30
- Printing charge (in case of any printing from PFC/CSC) - Rs. 10 per page
- Scanning charge (in case documents are scanned in PFC/CSC) - Rs. 5 per page