- If the applicant is a first time user, he/she needs to click the Register Tab provided in top right corner in this page and then get registered with the necessary fields such as Full Name, Mobile No., Email id (which is not mandatory), State and Password.
- Then the applicant needs to login with the credentials, by clicking the Login Tab.
- After the applicant has logged on to the system, he/she needs to click the Apply Online tab and select the service they want to apply for and click the apply button after going through the Requirements tab.
- Applicant has to fill up the form and upload the required supporting documents.
- On final submission of the form, applicant has to pay the requisite amount.
- Once the payment is successful it will be forwarded to the higher officials for further processes. An acknowledgement will be generated containing the application reference no., the same will be notified over SMS and Email id of the applicant.
- An SMS and Email alert is sent to applicant on completion of the service. The applicant needs to respond to the SMS and Email regarding completion of the service.
- After successful completion of the service, Application for renewal of license of escalators/lift is generated. The applicant will be notified about this over SMS and Email and the applicant can download it from ARTPS portal.
Required Documents to avail the service (Upload scanned copies of the original documents).
- A list of Executive Committee indicating name, designation, photograph, self e attested signature along with PAN, Aadhar, Voter Card of all the Executive Members along with a resolutionof the meeting approving the constitution of new executive body. This is to be attested by three outgoing executive members of the society.
- A copy of the new MOA along with Rules and Regulations of the society. This is to be signed by the President and Secretary and duly authenticated by atleast three outgoing executive members.
- The following documents are required to be submitted by the applicant for filing Balance-sheet and auditor's report of the society under section 48 of the Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860-of
i) Within thirty days after the holding of every annual general meeting there shall be filed with the Registrar of Societies a copy each of the balance-sheet and auditor's copy report certified by the auditor under sub-section(2) of sectin-5A.
ii) If the President, Secretary or any other person authorised in this behalf by a resolution of the governing body of the society fails to comply with the provisions of in this sub-section (1) he shall be punishable with fine which may extend to such amount as ails to the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, determine, from time to time.
- Scanned copy of original registration certificate of the society.
- Aadhar card of the members of the society.
- Pan card of the members of the society.
- Voter Id of the members of the society.
- 10 (ten) working days one from the date of submission of application, complete in all respects along with documents as per checklist.
- Fee of Rs. 1000/-
Mode of Payment:
Online: The requisite fees to be paid through EGRAS payment gateway only.
Offline: Head of Account "1475-other General Economic Service-fees under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860."