Required Documents to avail the service (Upload scanned copies of the original documents).
- Scanned copy of original registration certificate of the society.
- A copy of consent of not less than 2/3 (two thirds) of the total number of members by a resolution of a general meeting convened for changing its address.
- Affidavit regarding change in Address of the society.
- If the society claims that its office is situated I on a land, owned by it, Proof of ownership of the land should be furnished. If the office is situated in a rented building an affidavit from the house owner along with photo ID proof of the land owner should be furnished.
- List of present executive member of the society mentioning their Names, Address, Occupation, Designation and their self attested signatures along with an affidavit stating all Executive Members are genuine. Pan Card/Aadhar Card/Voter ID are to be authenticated.
- 10 (ten) working days from the date of submission of application, complete in all respects along with documents as per checklist.
- Fee for Re 2000/-
Mode of Payment:
Online: The requisite fees to be paid through EGRAS payment gateway only.
Offline: Head of Account "1475-other General Economic Service-fees under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860."