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Conversion of Land from Anual Patta to Periodic Patta

  1. All the * marked fields are mandatory and need to be filled up.
  2. The size of documents to be uploaded at the time of Application submission should not exceed 2 MB and format should be pdf/JPEG. No other format will be accepted.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. The land should be demarcated and actually surveyed.
  2. The land must be in a village which has been traversed, surveyed, mapped and classed.
  3. The land must be actually cultivated with some permanent crop or occupied for permanent residential purposes.
  4. Rule 23 of the Settlement Rules framed under the ALRR, 1886 provides that no new periodic patta shall be issued in respect of land within one chain (66 feet) of the 35 feet reservation along roads maintained by the State or the Union Government without special orders from the Govt.
  5. No new periodic pattas will be proposed or ordered to be issued, if there exists any dispute over possession or over prima facie title of the land in question.
  6. No new periodic pattas shall be proposed or ordered to be issued for lands within an area covered by a mining lease or situated within a town area or within 2 miles from the town area or within such distance from the town area as may be notified by the State Govt. from time to time, except under special orders of Govt. and on payment of such premium, if any, as may be fixed by Govt. from time to time.

Further the conversion of Annual lease into Periodic patta will be limited to:-

  • The maximum area allowed to be held in rural area as per provision of the Assam Fixation of Ceiling on land holdings Act, 1956, as ammended, inclusive of the periodic land already held by the family of the settlement holder.
  • While granting conversion of AP into PP in rural area, no portiotn of land falling within 22.5 metres(75 feet) from the ventre line of the PWD Road / NH way and falling within 15 metres (50 feet) from the centre line of the roads other than PWD ROad/NH waywill be converted into periodic.
  • The land applied for conversion should be in the name of the original AP holder or his/her legal heirs. No conversion is admotted for the portion of AP land which is transferred in violation of rules.

Supporting Documents:

  1. Latest Land Revenue Receipt.
  2. Copy of Annual Patta.
  3. Trace Map with proper demarcation.
  4. Chitha Copy of the scheduled land.
  5. Identity proof of the applicant.
  6. Complete land details mentioning name of village, mouza, area, class of the land etc.

Stipulated Time Limit:  Ninety (90) working days.


  1. Service charge (through PFC/CSC) - Rs. 30.
  2. Printing charge (in case of any printing from PFC/CSC) - Rs. 10 per page.
  3. Scanning charge (in case documents are scanned in PFC/CSC) - Rs. 5 per page.
  4. Convenience fee - Rs. 10

User charge:

Sl No.Service Name

Fees for Rural

Fees for Urban
Fees for GMC

15 KMs from the periphery of Guwahati City and within the
radius of 5 KM from the periphery of any other Municipal Revenue towns

1Conversion of Land from Anual Patta to Periodic Patta

For Urban Rs500 per katha or its 
part thereof subject to maximum of Rs 5000/

For municipal Corporation
Rs. 1000 per katha or its part thereof subject to maximum of Rs 10,000/

For urban Rs300 per katha or its part thereof subject to maximum of
Rs 3000/

Premium Charges:


Residential Purpose

Trade/Commerce/ Industry Purpose

Agriculture Purpose

Guwahati City

50% of the prevailing market price of the land

100% of the prevailing market price of the land


Municipal & Revenue towns

50% of the prevailing market price of the land

100% of the prevailing market price of the land


15 KMs from the

periphery of Guwahati

City and within the radius

of 5 KM from the

periphery of any other

Municipal Revenue towns

50% of the prevailing market price of the land

100% of the prevailing market price of the land

50% of the prevailing market price of the land

In rural areas

Rs.40 per bigha

75% of the prevailing market price of the land

50% of the prevailing market price of the land


Toll Free Helpline No: 1800-345-3574


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