- If the applicant is a first time user, he/she needs to click the Register Tab provided in top right corner in this page and then get registered with the necessary fields such as Full Name, Mobile No., Email id (which is not mandatory), State and Password.
- Then the applicant needs to login with the credentials, by clicking the Login Tab.
- After the applicant has logged on to the system, he/she needs to click the Apply Online tab and select the service they want to apply for and click the apply button after going through the Requirements tab.
- Applicant has to fill up the form and upload the required supporting documents.
- Once application is successfully submitted, application is being forwarded to the officials for further processes and an acknowledgement slip is being generated along with a reference number with the help of which an applicant can track the status of the application. An SMS and Email is being sent to the applicant.
- An applicant can view and track the status of the application by clicking the Track button and entering the applicant’s application reference no.
- In case, if there are any discrepancies or mismatch found in the online application, official will make a query for the same to which the applicant needs to respond and makes the necessary corrections in the online application or has to apply through a fresh online application. The applicant will be notified about this over SMS and Email id by the concerned official.
- If the entire process is correct, the concerned official sends a payment query to the applicant to pay the requisite amount over SMS and Email.
- After the applicant responds to the payment query, the process is completed and the applicant will get notification over SMS and Email that Digitalized Settlement of land to non-individual juridical entities is generated and applicant can download the certificate from ARTPS Portal.
Government Entities
1.Official Application /Letter
2.Authorisation letter from Authority concerned for Official Applicant .
3. Applicant Official Identity Document.
4. Project profile. (wherever applicable)
5. Site Plan for the proposed land and building plan of the proposed project.(wherever applicable)
10.Copy of PAN No/TAN No/GSTIN No of the Institution/Office/Project or Infrastructure. (wherever applicable)
11.Views/recommendation of the concerned line department. (wherever applicable)
12. NOC from Local Authority.(wherever applicable)
13. Environmental clearance certificate/Consent To Establish(CTE) from State PCB/(as applicable)-incase of Industries/Companies.(wherever applicable)
14. Approved copies of greening plan, community action plan for protection of natural
and human habitats in adjoining areas-in case of pollution causing
Industries/Companies(wherever applicable)
15.Any other document in support of the Project/Infrastructure(as applicable)
Non Government Entities
1.Official Application /Letter of the Entity/Institution/Organisation.
2.Authorisation letter with resolution of Board/Committee for applicant authorised to apply on behalf of the Entity /Organization / Institution.
3.Applicant Official Identity Document.
4.Project profile.
5.Site Plan for the proposed land and building plan of the proposed project.
6.Names of Board of Directors and or Committee members of the Entity/Organization/Institution along with present profession (On office letter head and seal with valid IDs)
7.Details of Registration under Central/State Government Acts & Rules.
9.Time frame for execution of the project.(wherever applicable)
10.Source of funding.(wherever applicable)
11.Activity for the last three years.(wherever applicable)
12.CA audited balance sheet/Audit report-total bank balance and last three years audited account of the applicant entity.(wherever applicable)
13.Income tax return. (wherever applicable)
15.Views/recommendation of the concerned line department. (wherever applicable)
16.Copy of PAN No/TAN No/GSTIN No of the Institution/Office/Project or Infrastructure. (wherever applicable)
17.NOC from Local Authority. (wherever applicable)
15.Any other document in support of the Project/Infrastructure(as applicable)