Know Your Service
Mutation after deed registration
- All the * marked fields are mandatory and need to be filled up.
- The size of documents to be uploaded at the time of Application submission should not exceed 2 MB and format should be pdf/JPEG. No other format will be accepted.
Eligibility Criteria:
Buyer(s) or their legal heir(s) or NOK(s) having the original Registered Deed/Certified Copy of Deed.
Supporting Documents :
- Copy original Registered Deed/Certified Copy of Deed, if not applied for auto- mutation service.
- Last/ Up-to-date Land Revenue receipt (to be auto-fetched through e-Khajana).
- A self-declaration on oath stating that the applicant does not possess land in excess of the limit laid down under the Assam Fixation of Ceiling on Land Holdings Act, 1956, including land applied for mutation, and the land is free from encumbrance and litigation, and the applicant has a clear title as well as undisputed possession over the land.
Stipulated Time Limit : Sixty (60) working Days.
Fees :
- User charge: 500/-
- Service charge (through PFC/CSC) - Rs. 30.
- Printing charge (in case of any printing from PFC/CSC) - Rs. 10 per page.
- Scanning charge (in case documents are scanned in PFC/CSC) - Rs. 5 per page.