Services Under Category - Business Service
Service Name Amendment of Factory License Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Appeal against an order of a legal Metrology Officer/ Controller of Legal Metrology (Form-4) Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application A for the grant of No Objection Certificate NOC to manufacture for sale of Ayurveda/Siddha or Unani drug Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Application B for License to manufacture for sale Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs, Drug License Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Application For Incentives Under Assam Logistics And Warehousing Policy 2022 Department Name Industries, Commerce and Public Enterprise -
Service Name Application For Renewal Of Fire NOC Under Assam Fire Service Rule 1989 Form No XII Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Application for Acceptance of Certificate of Stability for Factory Inspectorate Department Name Inspectorate of Factories -
Service Name Application for Administrative Recognition - Elementary Education Department Name Directorate of Elementary Education -
Service Name Application for Administrative Recognition - Higher Education Department Name Higher Education -
Service Name Application for Administrative Recognition under section 5 and 6 of the Assam Non-Govt. Educational Institutions - Secondary Education Department Name School Education -
Service Name Application for Amendment in Dealers License Seeds – Retail Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Amendment in Dealers License Seeds – Wholesale Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Amendment in Plant Protection Chemicals – Wholesale Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Amendment of Fertilizer Licence – Retail Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Amendment/Endorsement of Fertilizer License – Wholesale Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Authorization under Solid Construction and Demolition Waste Management (Management and Handling) Rules, 2016 Department Name Pollution Control Board Assam -
Service Name Application for Authorization under Solid Waste Management (Processing/recycling/treatment and disposal of solid waste) under the Solid Waste Management Department Name Environment and Forest -
Service Name Application for Authorization under the Bio Medical Waste Management and Handling Rules, 2016 Department Name Pollution Control Board Assam -
Service Name Application for Auto Renewal of Factory License Form No 2 Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Application for Auto Renewal of Trade Licence Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Application for Brand Registration Department Name Excise -
Service Name Application for Building Assessment for RCC / Semi-RCC and Assam Type House Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Application for Certificate of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to manufacture of Ayurveda/Siddha or Unani drugs Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Application for Certificate of Renewal of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to manufacture Ayurveda / Siddha or Unani drugs Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Application for Consent to Establish under the Air (prevention and control of pollution act, 1981) & Water (prevention and control of pollution act, 1974) Department Name Environment and Forest -
Service Name Application for Consent to Operate under the Water (prevention and control of pollution act, 1974) & Air (prevention and control of pollution act, 1981) Department Name Environment and Forest -
Service Name Application for Dealers License Seeds – Retail Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Dealers License Seeds – Wholesale Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Domestic and Non-Domestic Water Connection (both Temporary and Permanent) Department Name Guwahati Jal Board -
Service Name Application for Endorsement in Plant Protection Chemicals – Manufacturing Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Endorsement in Plant Protection Chemicals – Wholesale Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Endorsement in the License of Seeds – Retail Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Endorsement in the License of Seeds – Wholesale Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Endorsement of Supervisors Certificate of Competency Department Name Inspectorate Of Electricity -
Service Name Application for Endorsement of Workmans Permit Department Name Inspectorate Of Electricity -
Service Name Application for Excise Verification Certificate Department Name Commissionerate of Excise -
Service Name Application for Export Permit Department Name Commissionerate of Excise -
Service Name Application for Fair Price Shop Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for Fertilizer Licence – Manufacturing Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Fertilizer License - Retail Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Fertilizer License – Wholesale Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Goods Carriage Permit Department Name Transport -
Service Name Application for Import License for Cloth Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for Import License of Salt Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for Import Permit Department Name Commissionerate of Excise -
Service Name Application for Kerosene Depot Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for LPG Connection Department Name Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas -
Service Name Application for LPG Distributor (Retail License) Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for Land Allotment in various Industrial Estate Department Name Industries, Commerce and Public Enterprise -
Service Name Application for Land/Shed Allotment in various Industrial Estates Department Name Industries, Commerce and Public Enterprise -
Service Name Application for License of Plant Protection Chemicals – Manufacturing Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for License of Plant Protection Chemicals – Retail Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for License of Plant Protection Chemicals – Wholesale Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for M.S. & H.S.D. for retail outlet (Petrol Pump) Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for Mobile Tower Approval Department Name Directorate of Information Technology, Electronics and Communication -
Service Name Application for NOC for Plant Protection Chemicals – Manufacturing Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for New Workmans Permit Department Name Inspectorate Of Electricity -
Service Name Application for Non-Domestic Water Connection (both Temporary and Permanent) Department Name Assam Urban Water Supply & Sewerage Board -
Service Name Application for Obtaining Water Connection Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Application for Pest Control Operation License – Anti Termite Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Pre Registration under Assam Logistics and Warehousing Policy 2022 Department Name Industries, Commerce and Public Enterprise -
Service Name Application for Prior Permission to establish and run Private Educational Institutions - Elementary Education Department Name School Education -
Service Name Application for Prior Permission to establish and run Private Educational Institutions - Higher Education Department Name Higher Education -
Service Name Application for Prior Permission to establish and run Private Educational Institutions - Secondary Education Department Name School Education -
Service Name Application for RF Mill and Chakki Mill Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for Re-verification and Stamping of Weighbridge Department Name Controller of Legal Metrology -
Service Name Application for Registration - Elementary Education Department Name Directorate of Elementary Education -
Service Name Application for Registration - Higher Education Department Name Higher Education -
Service Name Application for Registration for Refurbishers & Recyclers under Battery Waste Management Rules Department Name Pollution Control Board Assam -
Service Name Application for Registration of A Genetic Counselling center/genetic laboratory / genetic clinic/ultrasound clinic / Imaging center - Form A Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Application for Registration of Mineral Dealer license Department Name Directorate of Geology and Mining -
Service Name Application for Registration of Steam Feed Blow Down Line under IBR 1950 Department Name Inspectorate of Boilers -
Service Name Application for Registration of Tree Plantation under The Assam Rules, 2002 Department Name Environment and Forest -
Service Name Application for Registration under section 6 of the Assam Non-Govt. Educational Institutions - Secondary Education Department Name School Education -
Service Name Application for Registration under the E-Waste (Management and Handling Rules, 2011 under chapter-III) effective from May 2012 Department Name Environment and Forest -
Service Name Application for Registration/ Renewal under Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 for manufacturer Department Name Pollution Control Board Assam -
Service Name Application for Registration/ Renewal under The E-waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011 Department Name Pollution Control Board Assam -
Service Name Application for Renewal of Approval as Boiler Erector Repairer and Steam Feed Water Pipeline Fabricator Erector under IBR 1950 Department Name Inspectorate of Boilers -
Service Name Application for Renewal of Certificate of Boiler/Economizer Form II Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Application for Renewal of Dealers License Seeds – Retail Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Renewal of Dealers License Seeds – Wholesale Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Renewal of Fertilizer Licence – Manufacturing Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Renewal of Fertilizer Licence – Retail Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Renewal of Fertilizer License – Wholesale Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Renewal of Mineral Dealer license Department Name Directorate of Geology and Mining -
Service Name Application for Renewal of Pest Control Operation License – Anti Termite Department Name Agriculture and Horticulture -
Service Name Application for Renewal of Supervisors Certificate of Competency Department Name Inspectorate Of Electricity -
Service Name Application for Renewal of Workmans Permit Department Name Inspectorate Of Electricity -
Service Name Application for Renewal of licence for the operation of a Blood Bank for processing of whole blood and / or preparation of blood components. Form 27 C Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Application for Renewal of licence to manufacture Blood products for sale or distribution Form 27 E Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Application for Retail License for Cloth Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for Retail License for Salt Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for Retention of a licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale by retailer or distribute drugs from a motor vehicle, Form 19 AA and additional information Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Application for Retention of license to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute Homeopathic Medicines (Wholesale) -Form 19 B Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Application for Reverification and Stamping of New dispensing Pumps of Petrol or Diesel Department Name Controller of Legal Metrology -
Service Name Application for Shed Allotment in various Industrial Estate Department Name Industries, Commerce and Public Enterprise -
Service Name Application for Site Appraisal Form for Hazardous Category of Industry Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Application for Supervisor Certificate of Competency Department Name Inspectorate Of Electricity -
Service Name Application for Trade Licence Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Application for Transit Pass Department Name Commissionerate of Excise -
Service Name Application for Transport Permit Department Name Commissionerate of Excise -
Service Name Application for Tree Transit Permit / Pass Department Name Environment and Forest -
Service Name Application for Wholesale License for Cloth Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for Wholesale License for Salt Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for a Certificate of Enrollment / Amendment of Certificate of Enrollment under The Assam Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Taxation Act, 1947 - Form II Department Name Commissionerate of Taxes -
Service Name Application for closing and opening place of business other than the principal place of business under section 61 and rules 4(4) of I.P. Act, 1932 Department Name Registrar of Firms & Societies -
Service Name Application for filing changes in the Name and Address of the Partner of the Firm under section 62 and rules 4(5) of I.P. Act, 1932 Department Name Registrar of Firms & Societies -
Service Name Application for grant of License for Wood based Industry Department Name Environment and Forest -
Service Name Application for grant of a licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedule C and C (1) excluding those specified in part XB and Schedule X Form 27 Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Application for grant of a licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedule X and not specified in Schedule C and C(1) (Additional Items)- Form 24 F Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Application for grant of a licence to repack for sale or distribution of drugs being drugs other than those specified in Schedule C and C Form 24-B Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Application for grant of a licence to sell stock exhibit or offer for sale or distribute specified in Schedule X Form 19 C additional information Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Application for grant of a license to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for distribution-COS-05 Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Application for grant of a license to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for distribution-COS-05 - Additional products Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Application for grant of a license to sell stock exhibit or offer for sale or distribute drugs other than those specified in Schedule X Form 19 and additional information wholesale Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Application for grant of a loan license to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for distribution (Additional Items) - Form 31 A Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Application for grant of a loan license to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for distribution - COS-06 - Additional products Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Application for grant of a loan license to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for distribution-COS-06 Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Application for grant of a loan license to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs other than those specified in Schedule C, C (1) and X (Additional Items) - Form 24 A Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Application for grant of license for the operation of a Blood Bank for processing of whole blood and / or preparation of blood components. Form 27 C Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Application for grant of recognition as manufacturer of Boilers and Boiler Components under IBR 1950 Department Name Inspectorate of Boilers -
Service Name Application for grant of registration certificate to Sell, Stock, Exhibit or offer for sale or distribution a medical device including in Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Application for manufacturer of additional products of Cosmetics for sale or distribution - Form 31 Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Application for obtaining Certificate of Non-Forest Land Department Name Environment and Forest -
Service Name Application for obtaining NOC for Tree Felling on acquired Government / Private Patti Land / Non-Forest Land Department Name Environment and Forest -
Service Name Application for obtaining letter of Distance Department Name Environment and Forest -
Service Name Application for permission for Cinematographic exhibition / dramatic performance / movie shooting Department Name Directorate of Municipal Administration -
Service Name Application for permission to install a lift/ to make additions or alterations to the installed lift Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Application for recording of changes in the constitution of a Firm registered under section 63(1) and rule 4(6) of I.P. Act, 1932 Department Name Registrar of Firms & Societies -
Service Name Application for renewal of Fair Price Shop Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for renewal of Import License of Salt Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for renewal of Kerosene Depot Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for renewal of LPG Distributor Retail License Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for renewal of License to manufacture for sale, Ayurvedic (including Siddha or Unani) Drugs Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Application for renewal of MS and HSD for retail outlet Petrol Pump Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for renewal of RF Mill and Chakki Mill Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for renewal of Retail License for Cloth Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for renewal of Whole Sale License for Salt Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for renewal of Wholesale license for Cloth Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for renewal of license of escalators/lift Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Application for renewal of retail License for Salt Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Application for self-certification form for compliance for mobile tower Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Application for submission of claim for Central Comprehensive Insurance Subsidy scheme under NEIIPP 2007 Department Name Industries, Commerce and Public Enterprise -
Service Name Application for submission of claim for Central Interest Subsidy scheme on working Capital under NEIIPP 2007 Department Name Industries, Commerce and Public Enterprise -
Service Name Application for the grant of a licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of Homoeopathic medicines or a licence to manufacture potentised preparations from back potencies by licensees holding licence in Form 20-C- Form 24 C Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Application for the grant of a license to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs other than those specified in Schedule C C 1 and X (Additional Items) Form 24 Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Application for the grant of permit for extraction of ordinary clay/earth Department Name Environment and Forest -
Service Name Application for the grant or renewal of a [licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of] drugs specified in Schedule X and not specified in Schedules C and C(1) - Form 24F Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Application form for Authorization under The Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 Department Name Environment and Forest -
Service Name Application form for Filing changes in the Managing body, Constitution, Submission of Balance sheet and Auditors report of the Society under Section 4, 4(A) & 4(B) of the S.R. Act XXI of 1860 Department Name Registrar of Firms & Societies -
Service Name Application form for Material Alteration in existing Building - Form I Department Name Directorate of Municipal Administration -
Service Name Application form for Standby Services Department Name Fire and Emergency Services -
Service Name Application form for new High Tension (HT) connection Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Application form for new High Tension HT connection for Telecom Tower Above 10 KW Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Application form for new Low Tension (LT) connection Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Application form for new Low Tension LT connection for Telecom Tower Below 10 KW Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Application form for obtaining of 365 days opening license under the Assam Shop and Establishment Act Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Application form for obtaining of 365 days opening license under the Assam Shop and Establishment Act (BTAD) Department Name Bodoland Territorial Area District -
Service Name Application form for re-erection of Building - Form I Department Name Directorate of Municipal Administration -
Service Name Application form for renewal of Registration of a Genetic Counselling Center / Genetic Laboratory / Genetic Clinic / Ultrasound Clinic / Imaging Center - Form A Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Application form for temporary service connection Both LT & HT Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Application of Progress Certificate for Last Storey Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Application of Progress Certificate for Middle Storey in case of high rise building Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Application of Progress Certificate for Plinth Stage/in case of Basement casting of basement slab Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Approval for commencement of power supply in the electrical installations of multi-storied building Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Auto Renewal Of The Certificate Of Registration In (Form I) Under Rule 8 Of The Assam Motor Transport Workers Rules, 1962 (BTAD) Department Name Bodoland Territorial Area District -
Service Name Auto Renewal form for obtaining of 365 days opening license under the Assam Shop and Establishment Act Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Auto Renewal form for obtaining of 365 days opening license under the Assam Shop and Establishment Act (BTAD) Department Name Bodoland Territorial Area District -
Service Name Auto Renewal of License as Dealer of weighs & measures (Form-LD-II) Department Name Controller of Legal Metrology -
Service Name Auto Renewal of License as Manufacturer of weighs & measures (Form- LM-II) Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Auto Renewal of License as Repairer of weighs & measures (Form-LR-II) Department Name Controller of Legal Metrology -
Service Name Auto Renewal of License for Recruitment & Employment in Form IX under Rule 15 (2) of the Interstate Migrant Workmen (R.E & C.S.) Assam Rules, 1981 Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Auto Renewal of License for Recruitment & Employment in Form IX under Rule 15 (2) of the Interstate Migrant Workmen (R.E & C.S.) Assam Rules, 1981 (BTAD) Department Name Bodoland Territorial Area District -
Service Name Auto Renewal of License in Form VII under Rule 29 (2) of the Contract Labour (R & A) Rules, 1971 Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Auto Renewal of License in Form VII under Rule 29 (2) of the Contract Labour (R & A) Rules, 1971 (BTAD) Department Name Bodoland Territorial Area District -
Service Name Auto Renewal of Signage Licence for advertisement Department Name Directorate of Municipal Administration -
Service Name Auto Renewal of the Certificate of Registration in (Form I) under Rule 8 of the Assam Motor Transport Workers Rules, 1962 Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Auto Renewal of the Certificate of Registration of Establishment in Form O under Section 36 of the Assam Shops & Establishment Act, 1971 and Rule 49 of the Assam Rules Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Auto Renewal of the Certificate of Registration of Establishment in Form O under Section 36 of the Assam Shops & Establishment Act, 1971 and Rule 49 of the Assam Rules (BTAD) Department Name Bodoland Territorial Area District -
Service Name Certificate of Non-Availability of Water from the Water Supply Agency Department Name Assam Urban Water Supply & Sewerage Board -
Service Name Certificate of Non/Partially Availability of Water from Local Government Water Supply Agency Department Name Irrigation -
Service Name Changes in the rules and regulations of the society under Section 12 of S.R Act, XXI of 1860 Department Name Registrar of Firms & Societies -
Service Name Cinema Licence Department Name General Administration -
Service Name Cinema operator license Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Common Application for Trade Licence cum Registration of Establishment under the Assam Shops and Establishment Act 1971 Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Common Application for Trade Licence cum Registration of Establishment under the Assam Shops and Establishment Act 1971 (BTAD) Department Name Bodoland Territorial Area District -
Service Name Consent to Establish (under Water Act, 1974 and Air Act, 1981) for Expansion Unit Department Name Environment and Forest -
Service Name Drawing Approval from Electrical Inspectorate Department Name Inspectorate Of Electricity -
Service Name Electrical contractors license Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Essentiality Certificate to be issued by the Govt. of Assam as per Form-2 of the Medical Council of India guidelines (Medical College) Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Essentiality Certificate to be issued by the Govt. of Assam as per Form-4 of the Dental Council of India guidelines (Dental College) Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Essentiality Certificate to be issued by the Govt. of Assam as per the Nursing Council of India guidelines (Nursing College) Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Extension of Non Availability of Water Certificate from Water Supply Agency Department Name Assam Urban Water Supply & Sewerage Board -
Service Name Extension of Non Partial Availability of Water Certificate from Water Supply Agency Department Name Irrigation -
Service Name Factory Plan Approval Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Filing change in the Address of the Society Department Name Registrar of Firms & Societies -
Service Name Filing changes in the Name of the Society u/s 12A read with Section 12B and 12C of the Assam State Amendment etc vide Assam Act 14 of 1943 Section 2 Department Name Registrar of Firms & Societies -
Service Name Fire Attendance / Special Service Attendance Certificate Under Assam Fire Service Rule 1989 - Form No XIII Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Fire NOC In Respect Of Fire Safety Measures In Function Halls / Vivah Bhavan / Building Below 15 Mtrs Under Assam Fire Service Rule 1989 Form No V Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Fire NOC for one storied / multi-storied / high rise building under Assam Fire Service Rule 1989 (Form No I). Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Fire NOC for storage and handling of LPG / CNG/ Oxygen / Hydrogen / Methane/Propane / Butane / Chlorine / Ammonia etc. under Assam Fire Service Rule 1989 (Form No II) Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Fire NOC in respect of fire safety measures in Cinema Theatres / Multiplex etc. under Assam Fire Service Rule 1989 (Form No IV). Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Fire NOC in respect of fire safety measures in erecting temporary structures / circus / movable theatre / exhibitions under Assam Fire Service Rule 1989 (Form No VI). Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Fire NOC in respect of fire safety measures in storage and handling of petroleum products / industry ( Class A, B & C) under Assam Fire Service Rule 1989 (Form No VII) Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Fire NOC in respect of fire safety measures in the storage and handling of chemicals under Assam Fire Service Rule 1989 (Form No VIII). Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Fire NOC in respect of fire safety measures in the storage and handling of explosives under Assam Fire Service Rule 1989 (Form No IX). Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Fire NOC in respect of fire safety measures in the storage and handling of pharmaceutical products, chemical industries / storage of solvents etc under Assam Fire Service Rule 1989 (Form No X). Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Fire NOC in respect of fire safety measures in transport godowns and other godowns under Assam Fire Service Rule 1989 (Form No III). Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Form For Maintenance of Records by The Genetic Counselling Center - Form D Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Form for Maintenance of Records in case of Pre-Natal Diagnostic test/Procedure by Genetic Clinic/Ultrasound Clinic/Imaging Centre - Form F Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Form for maintenance of records by Genetic Laboratory - Form E Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Grant of Approval/Renewal as Boiler Erector / Repairer and Steam / Feed Water Pipe Line Fabricator / Erector under IBR Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Grant of Licence to manufacture Blood products for sale or distribution Form 27 E Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Grant of Right of Way permission (RoW) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Grant of a Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedules C, C (1) and X. Form 27 B Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Grant of a License to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for distribution Form 31 Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Grant of a license to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale by wholesaler or distribute drugs from a motor vehicle -Form 19AA and additional information Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Grant of a license to sell, stock, exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute drugs other than those specified in Schedule X Form 19 and additional information (retail) Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Grant of a license to sell, stock, exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute drugs specified in Schedule X Form 19C and additional information (wholesale) Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Grant of a loan Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedule C and C (1) excluding those specified in part XB and Schedule X Form 27 A Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Half Yearly Return - Form 22 Department Name Inspectorate of Factories -
Service Name Initial Application for formation of Cooperative Society Department Name Registrar of Co-operative Societies -
Service Name Issuance of Permission for Draw Water from Surface Water Resources (River/Public Tanks) for Industrial use Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Issuance of license for local sale, Import and export permit of Spirit and Indian-made foreign liquor (IMFL) Department Name Commissionerate of Excise -
Service Name Issue of duplicate registration certificate of a firm registered under Indian Partnership Act, 1932 Department Name Registrar of Firms & Societies -
Service Name Issue of duplicate registration certificate of the society Department Name Registrar of Firms & Societies -
Service Name Land Allotment in various Industrial Estates AIDC Department Name Industries, Commerce and Public Enterprise -
Service Name Licence to manufacture drugs for purpose of examination, test or analysis Form 30 Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute Homeopathic Medicines Form 19 B and additional information (Retail) Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute Homoeopathic Medicines Form 19 B and additional information (Wholesale) Department Name State Drugs Control Administration -
Service Name License as Dealer of Weights & Measures (Form- LD- I). Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name License as Manufacturer of weights and measures (Form- LM- I) Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name License as Repairer of Weights & Measures (Form- LR- I) Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name License as Tour Operator Department Name Directorate Of Tourism -
Service Name License as Tourist Guide Department Name Directorate Of Tourism -
Service Name License for operating a Lift/Escalator Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name License for operating a lift installed before the commencement of the act Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name License for operating an escalator installed before the commencement of the act Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name License of a Contractor (s) for Employment of migrant workmen in Form V under Section 8 (1) (b) of the Interstate Migrant Workmen (R.E & C.S) Act, 1979 and Rule 7 (2) of the Assam Rules. Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name License of a Contractor s for recruitment of migrant workmen in Form IV under Section 8 1 a of the Interstate Migrant Workmen RE & CS Act 1979 and Rule 7 1 of the Assam Rules Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name License of a Contractor(s) in Form IV under Section 12 of the Contract Labour (R & A) Act, 1970 and Rule 21 (1) of the Assam Rules Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name NOC for Temporary Sale of Fire Crackers Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Nomination of the Director by the Company under Sub- Section (2) of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Notice of alteration in the name of the Firm or in the location of the principal place of business thereof under section 60 and rules 4(3) of I.P. Act, 1932 Department Name Registrar of Firms & Societies -
Service Name Obtaining Certified copy of the Society registered under Section 19 of the S.R. Act XXI of 1860 Department Name Finance -
Service Name Obtaining authorization for erection of lifts or escalator Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Online e-payment of Bills Department Name Guwahati Jal Board -
Service Name Permission for installation/alteration/addition of Escalators Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Professional Tax-Employer Registration Department Name Commissionerate of Taxes -
Service Name Professional Tax-Enrollment Department Name Commissionerate of Taxes -
Service Name Recording dissolution of a Firm registered under section 63(1) and rule 4(6) of I.P. Act, 1932 Department Name Registrar of Firms & Societies -
Service Name Registration and Certification of Package Boiler/Economizer Form 1 Department Name Inspectorate of Boilers -
Service Name Registration and Grant of Factory License (Form No 2) Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Registration as Importer of Pre-packed commodities (Form-2) Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Registration as Manufacturer/ Packer of pre-packed commodities (Form-I) Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Registration as One District One product (ODOP) Business Entity Department Name Industries, Commerce and Public Enterprise -
Service Name Registration in (Form I) under Rule 4 of the Assam Motor Transport Workers Rules, 1962 Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Registration of Cooperative Society with Limited Liability under the Assam Cooperative Societies Act 2007 Department Name Co-operation -
Service Name Registration of Establishment as the Principal Employer in Form I under Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act 1970 and Rule 17 1 of the Assam Rules 1971 Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Registration of Establishment as the Principal Employer in Form I under Section 4 of the Interstate Migrant Workmen RE & CS Act 1979 and Rule 3 1 of the Assam Rules 1981 Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Registration of Establishment in Form I under Section 7 of the Buildings & Other Construction Workers (R.E & C.S) act, 1996 and Rule 23 (1) of the Assam Rules, 2007 Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Registration of Plantations in Form 13 under Section 2-A of the Plantations labour Rules 1956 Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Registration of Societies under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 Department Name Finance -
Service Name Registrations of Partnership firms under Indian Partnership Act, 1932 Section 58 & Rules 4(2) of I.P. Act 1932 Department Name Finance -
Service Name Renewal of Cinema Licence Department Name General Administration -
Service Name Renewal of Electrical Contractor license Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Renewal of Factory Registration and Licensing Department Name Inspectorate of Factories -
Service Name Renewal of License as Tourist Guide Department Name Directorate Of Tourism -
Service Name Renewal of License of Tour Operator Department Name Directorate Of Tourism -
Service Name Renewal of Permission for Draw Water from Surface Water Resources (River/Public Tanks) for Industrial use Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Renewal of Recognition as Manufacturer of Boiler and Boiler Components under IBR 1950 Department Name Inspectorate of Boilers -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Society Department Name Registrar of Firms & Societies -
Service Name Road Cutting Permission for Municipal Boards Department Name Directorate of Municipal Administration -
Service Name Road Cutting Permission under PWD Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Seeking approval for Commissioning of Electrical Generating units Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Seeking approval to commence power supply in overhead line exceeding 650 volts Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Seeking approval to commence power supply in sub-station exceeding 650 volts Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Shed Allotment in various Industrial Estates - AIDC Department Name Industries, Commerce and Public Enterprise -
Service Name Signage Licence for advertisement Department Name Directorate of Municipal Administration -
Service Name Single Integrated Annual Return Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Submission of Compliance Report in respect of Fire Safety Measure suggested under Assam Fire Service Rule 1989 Form No XI Department Name Fire and Emergency Services -
Service Name Transfer of Factory License Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Verification and Stamping of New Weighbridge (Form-6) Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Verification and Stamping of New dispensing Pumps of Petrol/ Diesel (Form-5) Department Name Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs -
Service Name Withdrawal from or remaining in a partnership to be given under section 63(2) and rules 4(7) of the Act by a minor on attaining majority Department Name Finance