Services Under Category - Citizen Service
Service Name Add/Modify Nominee in RC Department Name Transport -
Service Name Address change in RC Department Name Transport -
Service Name Advertisement board carried by men in hand Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Allotment Certificate to Periodic Patta Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Alteration of vehicle - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Animal Tax Payment under GMC Act 1971 Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Application for Certified Copy of Registered Deed Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Application for Correction in Admit Card Department Name School Education -
Service Name Application for Correction in Marksheet Department Name School Education -
Service Name Application for Correction in Pass Certificate Department Name School Education -
Service Name Application for Correction in Registration Certificate Department Name School Education -
Service Name Application for Delay in Registration of Dental Mechanic (DM) & Dental Hygienist (DH) - ASDC Department Name Assam State Dental Council -
Service Name Application for Income Certificate Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Application for Issuance of Duplicate Admit Card Department Name School Education -
Service Name Application for Issuance of Duplicate Marksheet Department Name School Education -
Service Name Application for Issuance of Duplicate Pass Certificate Department Name School Education -
Service Name Application for Issuance of Duplicate Registration Certificate Department Name School Education -
Service Name Application for Marriage Registration Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Application for Minority Community Certificate Department Name Welfare of Minorities and Development -
Service Name Application for Non encumbrance Certificate Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Application for Permanent Residence Certificate for Higher Education Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Application for Provisional Registration (After Passing Fourth Year BDS Degree & before going to do Compulsory Rotatory Internship Training) Department Name Assam State Dental Council -
Service Name Application for Renewal of Registration of BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) Degree/MDS (Master of Dental Surgery) Degree– ASDC Department Name Assam State Dental Council -
Service Name Application for Renewal of Registration of DM (Dental mechanics) /DH (Dental hygienist) – ASDC Department Name Assam State Dental Council -
Service Name Application for Upgradation of Soil Conservation (Class-II) Department Name Soil Conservation -
Service Name Application for Upgradation of Soil Conservation (Class-III) Department Name Soil Conservation -
Service Name Application for admission to the Artisan Course at Handloom Training Center (HTC) Department Name Directorate of Handloom & Textiles -
Service Name Application for admission to the Course at Handloom Training Institute (HTI) Department Name Directorate of Handloom & Textiles -
Service Name Apply Driving License (DL) Extract - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Apply Learner License (LL) Extract - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Apply Registration Certificate (RC) Particulars - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Apply for Scholarship Department Name Higher Education -
Service Name Appointment for Deed/Marriage Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Area Correction Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Area Updation(BTR) Department Name Mission Bwiswmuthi (BTR) -
Service Name Assam State Zoo Department Name District Administration -
Service Name Birth Registration Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Building Permission upto Ground+2 storied under Mukhya Mantrir Sohoj Griha Nirman Achoni Department Name Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority -
Service Name Cancellation cum Reapply of Building Permission Service Upto Ground+2 Storied Under Mukhya Mantrir Sohoj Griha Nirman Achoni Department Name Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority -
Service Name Cancellation of Vessel Registration Department Name Transport -
Service Name Certificate of Competency Department Name Transport -
Service Name Certificate of Fitness of Transport Vehicles Department Name Transport -
Service Name Certificate of Service Department Name Transport -
Service Name Certified Copy of Jamabandi or Records of Right/Chitha Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Certified Copy of Mutation - KAAC Department Name Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council -
Service Name Certified copy of Chitha(BTR) Department Name Mission Bwiswmuthi (BTR) -
Service Name Cess Pool Service Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Cess Pool Service (BTC) Department Name Urban Development Department, BTC -
Service Name Cetified Copy of Jamabandi(BTR) Department Name Mission Bwiswmuthi (BTR) -
Service Name Change of Address in Conductor Licence - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Change of Address in Driving License (DL) - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Change of Address in Learner License (LL) - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Change of Biometrics in CL - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Change of Biometrics in Driving License (DL) - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Change of Name in CL - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Change of Name in Driving License (DL) - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Change of Name in Learner License (LL) - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Children Related Complaint Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Citizens Tip Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Composite Land Sale Transfer Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Conversion Module of Old Holding Number under GMC Area Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Conversion of AC to PP(BTR) Department Name Mission Bwiswmuthi (BTR) -
Service Name Conversion of AP to PP(BTR) Department Name Mission Bwiswmuthi (BTR) -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class I (A) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class I (B) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class I (C) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class II Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class III Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License – PWD (Electrical) Class IA Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License – PWD (Electrical) Class IB Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License – PWD (Electrical) Class IC Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License – PWD (Electrical) Class II Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License – PWD (Electrical) Class III Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License – PWD (NH) Class IA Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License – PWD (NH) Class IB Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License – PWD (NH) Class IC Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License – PWD (NH) Class II Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractor License – PWD (NH) Class III Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Conversion of Contractors - Public Health Engineering Department Class I (C) Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Conversion of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class I (A) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Conversion of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class I (B) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Conversion of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class I (C) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Conversion of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class II Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Conversion of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class III Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Conversion of Land from Anual Patta to Periodic Patta Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Conversion of Old Trade License (BTC) Department Name Urban Development Department, BTC -
Service Name Conversion of Old Trade License under GMC Area Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Dealer Authorization Certificate - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Death Registration Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Deed registration Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Delayed in Registration of BDS Degree Department Name Assam State Dental Council -
Service Name Digitalized Settlement of land to non-individual juridical entities Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Domestic Help Verification Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Driving License (DL) Replacement - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Driving License (DL) club - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Driving License for Transport/Non-Transport Department Name Transport -
Service Name Duplicate Conductor Licence - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Duplicate Driving License Department Name Transport -
Service Name Duplicate Fitness Certificate - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Duplicate Permit - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Duplicate Registration Certificate for Transport /Non-transport Vehicle Department Name Transport -
Service Name Duplicate Trade Certificate - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name E-Issuance of C & F form Department Name Finance -
Service Name End to end digitalization of Annual Patta to PP conversion with rationalized rates in town and its peripheral areas Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Endrosment to Drive Hazardous Metarial - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Family Pension Claim Status Department Name Assam Tea Employment Provident Fund Organisation -
Service Name Field or Office Partition(BTR) Department Name Mission Bwiswmuthi (BTR) -
Service Name Find Application Number in Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Fresh Permit - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name GMC Godown for Trade License Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name GMC Text Demand Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name General Purpose Rating of an inland vessel Department Name Transport -
Service Name Generate your Holding Number under GMC Area Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Govt. / PSU Employment Verification Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Green Tax Department Name Transport -
Service Name HOLDING NUMBER/ASSESSMENT ID UPDATE under GMC AREA Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Holding Mutation under GMC Area Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Hypothecation Addition Department Name Transport -
Service Name Hypothecation Continuation - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Hypothecation Termination Department Name Transport -
Service Name Income Certificate (NCHAC) Department Name North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council -
Service Name Income tax exemption Certificate (NCHAC) Department Name North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council -
Service Name International Driving Permit - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Issuance Of Marriage Registration - Application for Marriage Registration (BTAD) Department Name Bodoland Territorial Area District -
Service Name Issuance of Animal Health Certificate Department Name Animal Husbandry and Veterinary -
Service Name Issuance of Bakijai Clearance Certificate Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Issuance of Business Registration Certificate - KAAC Department Name Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council -
Service Name Issuance of Caste Certificate Department Name Tribal Affairs (Plain) -
Service Name Issuance of Certified Copies of Chitha - KAAC Department Name Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council -
Service Name Issuance of Certified Copies of Jamabandi - KAAC Department Name Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council -
Service Name Issuance of Certified Copy of Mutation Order Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Issuance of Certified Copy of Registered Sale Deeds (BTAD) Department Name Bodoland Territorial Area District -
Service Name Issuance of Disability Certificate Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Issuance of Duplicate Admit Card(SEBA) Department Name School Education -
Service Name Issuance of Duplicate Copies of Land Patta - KAAC Department Name Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council -
Service Name Issuance of Duplicate Marksheet(SEBA) Department Name School Education -
Service Name Issuance of Duplicate Pass Certificate(SEBA) Department Name School Education -
Service Name Issuance of Duplicate Registration Card(SEBA) Department Name School Education -
Service Name Issuance of Duplicate Registration Certificate Department Name Transport -
Service Name Issuance of Farmers Certificate - KAAC Department Name Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council -
Service Name Issuance of Gorkha Community Certificate Department Name Social Justice and Empowerment -
Service Name Issuance of Income Certificate - KAAC Department Name Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council -
Service Name Issuance of Land Holding Certificate - KAAC Department Name Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council -
Service Name Issuance of Land Revenue Clearance Certificate - KAAC Department Name Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council -
Service Name Issuance of Land Valuation Certificate - KAAC Department Name Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council -
Service Name Issuance of Migration Certificate, AHSEC Department Name School Education -
Service Name Issuance of Migration Certificate, SEBA Department Name School Education -
Service Name Issuance of NOC for Trade License - KAAC Department Name Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council -
Service Name Issuance of Next of Kin Certificate Department Name General Administration -
Service Name Issuance of No Objection Certificate - ACMR Department Name Assam Council of Medical Registration -
Service Name Issuance of Non Creamy Layer Certificate Department Name Social Justice and Empowerment -
Service Name Issuance of Non-Encumbrance Certificate (BTAD) Department Name Bodoland Territorial Area District -
Service Name Issuance of Non-Encumbrance Certificate - KAAC Department Name Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council -
Service Name Issuance of Permission to Put Up Hoarding Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Issuance of Permission to Put Up Hoarding-offline (BTC) Department Name Urban Development Department, BTC -
Service Name Issuance of Renewal of Business Registration Certificate - KAAC Department Name Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council -
Service Name Issuance of Senior Citizen Certificate Department Name General Administration -
Service Name Issuance of Trace Map - KAAC Department Name Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council -
Service Name Issuance of Trade License-offline (BTC) Department Name Urban Development Department, BTC -
Service Name Issue New LL (Addition Of COV) for Holding DL/Learner License (LL) - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Issue of Conductor Licence - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Issue of Credit Points for attending CME Department Name Assam Council of Medical Registration -
Service Name Issue of Duplicate Learner License (LL) - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Issue of PSV Badge to a Driver - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Issue of Trade Certificate - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Jamabandi Copy under Rural Areas (NCHAC) Department Name North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council -
Service Name Khel Maharan 2.0 Department Name Sports Authority of Assam -
Service Name Land Holding Certificate(BTR) Department Name Mission Bwiswmuthi (BTR) -
Service Name Land Valuation e-Certificate Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Land valuation (NCHAC) Department Name North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council -
Service Name Learner License for Transport/ Non-Transport Department Name Transport -
Service Name Limited conversion of Tea grant land to Periodic Patta Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Lost & Found Property Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Missing Persons Complaint Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Mobile Number Update in Registration Certificate (RC) - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Mobile Number Updation Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Mobile Update(BTR) Department Name Mission Bwiswmuthi (BTR) -
Service Name Mobile no Update in Driving License (DL) - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Mutation after deed registration Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Mutation by Deed Field or Office Mutation(BTR) Department Name Mission Bwiswmuthi (BTR) -
Service Name Mutation by Inheritance Field or Office Mutation(BTR) Department Name Mission Bwiswmuthi (BTR) -
Service Name Mutation by right of inheritance Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name NOC for Immovable Properties in Rural Areas (NCHAC) Department Name North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council -
Service Name NOC for Re-classification Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name NOC for Re-classification cum Transfer Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name NOC for Registration of Land Lease/Renewal of Lease Agreement on Govt Land Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name NOC for Temporary Bar License Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name NOC for Transfer of Registry of a Registered Vessel to other Registering Authority Department Name Transport -
Service Name NOC for land Transfer/Sale of land Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Name Correction Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Name Correction(BTR) Department Name Mission Bwiswmuthi (BTR) -
Service Name New Digital Driving Licence (DSL) - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name New General trade license under GMC Area Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name New Health Trade License under GMC Area Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name New Registration of BDS Degree Department Name Assam State Dental Council -
Service Name New Registration of MDS (Transfer of Registration from other State Dental Council) Department Name Assam State Dental Council -
Service Name New Registration of the construction workers - BOCW Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name New Trade License under GMC Area Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name No Objection Certificate for Transfer of Immovable Property Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name No Objection Certificate for Transfer of Record of Registration to Other Registering Authority Department Name Transport -
Service Name Non-Encumbrance Certificate (NCHAC) Department Name North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council -
Service Name Offering Reclassification Suite Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Onboarding Registration of already registered construction workers - BOCW Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Online Bid or Proposal Submission Department Name Finance -
Service Name Online Bidder Enrolment Department Name Finance -
Service Name Online Building Permission(Applicable for GMC Area) Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Online Change Process Department Name Power (Electricity) -
Service Name Online Ferry Ticket Booking Department Name Transport -
Service Name Online NOC for land sale permission Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Online Payment for PUCC Prepaid Recharge - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Online Safari Booking Kaziranga National Park Department Name District Administration -
Service Name Online Safari Booking Manas National Park Department Name District Administration -
Service Name Online Safari Booking Nameri National Park & Tiger Reserve Department Name District Administration -
Service Name Online Safari Booking Orang National Park & Tiger Reserve Department Name District Administration -
Service Name Ownership Transfer for Non-Transport/Transport Vehicle Department Name Transport -
Service Name Ownership rights to occupancy tenants in town lands which were erstwhile rural lands Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name PF Settlement Claim Status Department Name Assam Tea Employment Provident Fund Organisation -
Service Name PUCC late fine payment - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Partition of Land (Both Urban and Rural) Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Passport Seva Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Pay property Tax for GMC area Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Permanent Registration of Homeopathic Doctors in Board of Homeopathic System of Medicine, Assam Department Name Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine -
Service Name Permanent Residential Certificate (PRC) in Rural Areas (NCHAC) Department Name North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council -
Service Name Permanent Surrender of Permit - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Permanent registration of MBBS Doctors Department Name Assam Council of Medical Registration -
Service Name Permission for Advertisement exhibited in public places Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Permission for Advertisement exhibited in public places-offline (BTC) Department Name Urban Development Department, BTC -
Service Name Permission for Advertisement on Electronic media Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Permission for Advertisement on Electronic media-offline (BTC) Department Name Urban Development Department, BTC -
Service Name Permission for Bus Shelter and traffic police board Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Permission for Cultural Events Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Permission for Delayed Birth Registration Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Permission for Delayed Death Registration Department Name Health and Family Welfare -
Service Name Permission for Drones Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Permission for Entertainment / Commercial Events Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Permission for Kiosk/Banner/Flax/Ballon/Road cover gate/Footpath Gate-offline (BTC) Department Name Urban Development Department, BTC -
Service Name Permission for Kiosk/Banner/Flax/Balloon/Road cover gate/Foot Path Gate Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Permission for Organizing International/National Event under GMC Area Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Permission for Political Events Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Permission for Religious Events Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Permission for Social Awareness Events Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Permission for Sports Events Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Permission for unipole, LED, Electronic hoarding & Glow Sign Board Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Permission for wall painting Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Permission for wall painting - offline (PWP) Department Name Urban Development Department, BTC -
Service Name Permission to display advertisement on vehical Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Permission to display advertisement on vehicle - offline (BTC) Department Name Urban Development Department, BTC -
Service Name Police Clearance for Commercial Construction Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Police Clearance for Explosives Movement & Storage Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Police Clearance for Petrol Pump / Gas Agency Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Post-mortem report Department Name Animal Husbandry and Veterinary -
Service Name Private Employment Verification Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Profile Updation of Registration of Ayurvedic Doctors in Assam State Council of Indian Medicine Department Name State Council of Indian Medicine, Assam -
Service Name Provisional Registration Certificate of MBBS Doctor Department Name Assam Council of Medical Registration -
Service Name Provisional Registration of Homeopathic Doctors in Board of Homeopathic System of Medicine, Assam Department Name Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine -
Service Name Public Grievance Redressal Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name RENEWAL OF TRADE LICENSE (GENERAL/HEALTH) UNDER GMC AREA Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Re-Assessment of Holding under GMC Area Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Re-Registration of Homeopathic Doctors in Board of Homeopathic System of Medicine, Assam Department Name Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine -
Service Name Re-assignment from BH To Running Series Department Name Transport -
Service Name Re-assignment of Registration No (RMA) Department Name Transport -
Service Name Re-assignment to BH Series No. Department Name Transport -
Service Name Re-issue of Expired Learner License (LL) - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Re-registration of Additional Degree of existing Registered Medical Practitioners Department Name Assam Council of Medical Registration -
Service Name Re-registration of employment seeker in Employment Exchange Department Name Skill, Employment and Entrepreneurship -
Service Name Re-registration of employment seeker in Employment Exchange for AADHAAR Based Department Name Skill, Employment and Entrepreneurship -
Service Name Re-registration of existing Registered Medical Practitioners Department Name Assam Council of Medical Registration -
Service Name Re-registration of manually registered Ayurvedic Doctors in Assam State Council of Indian Medicine Department Name State Council of Indian Medicine, Assam -
Service Name Re-registration of manually registered BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) dentists Department Name Assam State Dental Council -
Service Name Re-registration of manually registered MDS (Master of Dental Surgery) dentists Department Name Assam State Dental Council -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class IA Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class IA (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class II Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class II (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class IA Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class IA (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class IB Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class IB (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class IC Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class IC (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class II Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class II (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - GMC Class IA Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - GMC Class IA (with Renewal) Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - GMC Class IB Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - GMC Class IB (with Renewal) Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - GMC Class IC Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - GMC Class IC (with Renewal) Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - GMC Class II Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - GMC Class II (with Renewal) Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - GMC Class III (with Renewal) Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - GMC Department Class-III Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - PWD(NH) Class IA Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - PWD(NH) Class IA (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - PWD(NH) Class IB Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - PWD(NH) Class IB (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - PWD(NH) Class IC Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - PWD(NH) Class IC (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - PWDB Department Class-III Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - PWDB Department Class-III (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - PWDELC Department Class-III Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - PWDELC Department Class-III (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - PWDNH Department Class-III Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - PWDNH Department Class-III (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Public Health Engineering Department Class IC Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Public Health Engineering Department Class IC (with Renewal) Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Public Health Engineering Department Class II Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Public Health Engineering Department Class II (with Renewal) Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Public Health Engineering Department Class III Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Public Health Engineering Department Class III (with Renewal) Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Water Resource Department Class Class-III Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Water Resource Department Class IA Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Water Resource Department Class IA (with Renewal) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Water Resource Department Class IC Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Water Resource Department Class IC (with Renewal) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Water Resource Department Class II Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Water Resource Department Class II (with Renewal) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License - Water Resource Department Class III (with Renewal) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class IB Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class IB (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class IC Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class IC (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License Water Resource Department Class IB Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License Water Resource Department Class IB (with Renewal) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License- PWD(NH) Class II Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Re-registration of offline paper-based registered Contractor License- PWD(NH) Class II (with Renewal) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Reclassification of agricultural land to non agricultural land less than 1 bigha Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Reclassification(BTR) Department Name Mission Bwiswmuthi (BTR) -
Service Name Registration Additional Degree (MDS) Department Name Assam State Dental Council -
Service Name Registration of Additional Degrees- ACMR Department Name Assam Council of Medical Registration -
Service Name Registration of Alteration Department Name Transport -
Service Name Registration of Ayurvedic Doctor in Assam State Council of Indian Medicine Department Name State Council of Indian Medicine, Assam -
Service Name Registration of BDS (Transfer of Registration from other State Dental Council) Department Name Assam State Dental Council -
Service Name Registration of Boats and Vessels Department Name Transport -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class I (A) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class I (B) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class I (C) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class II Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class-III Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class I (A) Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class I (B) Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class I (C) Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class II Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class III Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (NH) Department Class I (A) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (NH) Department Class I (B) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (NH) Department Class I (C) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (NH) Department Class II Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Assam Public Works (NH) Department Class III Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - GMC Class I (A) Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - GMC Class I (B) Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - GMC Class I (C) Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - GMC Class II Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - GMC Class-III Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - PWD (Road) Class I (A) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - PWD (Road) Class I (B) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - PWD (Road) Class I (C) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - PWD (Road) Class II Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - PWD (Road) Class III Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Public Health Engineering Department Class I (C) Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Public Health Engineering Department Class III Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Public Health Engineering Department Class II Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class I (A) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class I (B) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class I (C) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class II Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Registration of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class III Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Registration of Contractors Class I (A) - Irrigation Department Name Irrigation -
Service Name Registration of Contractors Class I (B) - Irrigation Department Name Irrigation -
Service Name Registration of Contractors Class I (C) - Irrigation Department Name Irrigation -
Service Name Registration of Contractors Class II - Irrigation Department Name Irrigation -
Service Name Registration of Contractors Class III - Irrigation Department Name Irrigation -
Service Name Registration of Contractors Soil Conservation Department Class I Department Name Soil Conservation -
Service Name Registration of Contractors Soil Conservation Department Class II Department Name Soil Conservation -
Service Name Registration of Contractors Soil Conservation Department Class III Department Name Soil Conservation -
Service Name Registration of Cooperative Society with Limited Liability under the Assam Cooperative Societies Act 2007 (BTAD) Department Name Bodoland Territorial Area District -
Service Name Registration of Dental Mechanic & Dental Hygienist Department Name Assam State Dental Council -
Service Name Registration of Dental Mechanic & Dental Hygienist (Transfer of Registration from other State Dental Council) Department Name Assam State Dental Council -
Service Name Registration of Dogs Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Registration of Establishment under the Assam Shops & Establishment Act,1971 in Form O (BTAD) Department Name Bodoland Territorial Area District -
Service Name Registration of New/old PUCC Centre - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Registration of Senior Citizens Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Registration of documents under Registration Act, 1908(Sale Deed) (BTAD) Department Name Bodoland Territorial Area District -
Service Name Registration of employment seeker in Employment Exchange Department Name Skill, Employment and Entrepreneurship -
Service Name Registration of employment seeker in Employment Exchange for AADHAAR Based Department Name Skill, Employment and Entrepreneurship -
Service Name Registration of fully built motor vehicle Non-Transport (Dealer Point) - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Registration of fully built motor vehicle Transport (Dealer Point) - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Renewal Of Digital Driving Licence (DSL) - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Renewal of BOCW ID card Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Renewal of Certificate of Survey Department Name Transport -
Service Name Renewal of Certificate of Survey for vessels registered under Registering Authority other than AIWTRA Department Name Transport -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class I (A) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class I (B) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class I (C) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class II Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors - Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class III Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors - Public Health Engineering Department Class I (C) Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors - Public Health Engineering Department Class II Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors - Public Health Engineering Department Class III Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class-I (A) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class-I (B) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class-I (C) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class-II Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors - Water Resources Department Class-III Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors Soil Conservation Department Class I Department Name Soil Conservation -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors Soil Conservation Department Class II Department Name Soil Conservation -
Service Name Renewal of Contractors Soil Conservation Department Class III Department Name Soil Conservation -
Service Name Renewal of Driving License for Transport/Non-Transport Department Name Transport -
Service Name Renewal of Establishment under the Assam Shops & Establishment Act, 1971 in Form O (BTAD) Department Name Bodoland Territorial Area District -
Service Name Renewal of Fitness Certificate Department Name Transport -
Service Name Renewal of PUCC centre registration - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Renewal of Permission to Put Up Hoarding-offline (BTC) Department Name Urban Development Department, BTC -
Service Name Renewal of Permit - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Renewal of Permit Home authorization - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Renewal of Registration Card of employment seeker in Employment Exchange Department Name Skill, Employment and Entrepreneurship -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Ayurvedic Doctor in Assam State Council of Indian Medicine Department Name State Council of Indian Medicine, Assam -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License - GMC Class IA Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License - GMC Class IB Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License - GMC Class IC Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License - GMC Class II Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License - GMC Class III Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License – PWD (Electrical) Class IA Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License – PWD (Electrical) Class IB Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License – PWD (Electrical) Class IC Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License – PWD (Electrical) Class II Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License – PWD (Electrical) Class III Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License – PWD (NH) Class IA Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License – PWD (NH) Class IB Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License – PWD (NH) Class IC Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License – PWD (NH) Class II Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Contractor License – PWD (NH) Class III Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Renewal of Registration of Homeopathic Doctors in Board of Homeopathic System of Medicine, Assam Department Name Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine -
Service Name Renewal of Trade License - offline (BTC) Department Name Urban Development Department, BTC -
Service Name Renewal of Veterinary Trade License Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Renewal of advertisement board carried by men in hand Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Renewal of permission for Advertisement exibited in public places Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Renewal of permission for Advertisement on Electronic media Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Renewal of permission for Bus Shelter and traffic police board Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Renewal of permission for Kiosk/Banner/Flax/Ballon/Road cover gate/Foot Path Gate Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Renewal of permission for Organising Internation/National Event under GMC Area Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Renewal of permission for unipole,LED, Electornic hoarding & Glow Sign Board Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Renewal of permission for wall painting Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Renewal of permission to display advertisement on vehicle Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Renewal of permission to put up hoarding Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Review of MB 2.0 cases pending for more Clarification Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Road Tax payment - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name SELF ASSESSMENT OF HOLDING UNDER GMC AREA Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Search in Electoral Roll Department Name District Administration -
Service Name Service Grievance Redressal Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Settlement of AP Transferred Land from Original AP Holder Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Settlement of Hereditary Land of Tribal Communities Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Settlement of Khas and Ceiling Surplus Land Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Settlement of Occupancy Tenant Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Settlement of PGR VGR Land Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Settlement of Special Cultivators Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Settlement of land in surveyed N.C. village under SVAMITVA Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Settlement of unsettled erstwhile Bhoodan/Gramdan Lands Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Special Permit - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Striking Out Name(BTR) Department Name Mission Bwiswmuthi (BTR) -
Service Name Striking out of name from patta Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name Subscription fees payment - BOCW Department Name Labour Welfare -
Service Name Surrender of class of vehicle (COV) in DL - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name Tenant / PG Verification Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name Tender Result Announcement Department Name Finance -
Service Name Trade License related to Veterinary Department Name Housing and Urban Affairs -
Service Name Trading License (NCHAC) Department Name North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council -
Service Name Trading Permit (NCHAC) Department Name North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council -
Service Name Transfer of Ownership of a Registered Vessels Department Name Transport -
Service Name Transfer of Permit - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Transfer of Permit on Death Case - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Updation of Registration of Homeopathic Doctors in Board of Homeopathic System of Medicine, Assam Department Name Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine -
Service Name Upgradation Registration of Homeopathic Doctors in Board of Homeopathic System of Medicine, Assam Department Name Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class I(A) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class I(B) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class I(C) Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Assam Public Works (Building) Department Class II Department Name Public Works (Building) Department -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class I (A) Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class I (B) Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class I (C) Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Assam Public Works (Electrical) Department Class II Department Name Public Works (Electrical) Department -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Assam Public Works (NH) Department Class I (A) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Assam Public Works (NH) Department Class I (B) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Assam Public Works (NH) Department Class I (C) Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Assam Public Works (NH) Department Class II Department Name Public Works (National Highway) Department -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to GMC Class I (A) Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to GMC Class I (B) Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to GMC Class I (C) Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to GMC Department Class II Department Name Guwahati Municipal Corporation -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to PHED Department Class II Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Public Health Engineering Department Class I(C) Department Name Public Health Engineering -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Water Resource Department Class I(A) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Water Resource Department Class I(B) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Water Resource Department Class I(C) Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Upgradation of Contractors to Water Resource Department Class II Department Name Water Resource -
Service Name Upgradation/Additional Qualification addition of Registration of Ayurvedic Doctors in Assam State Council of Indian Medicine Department Name State Council of Indian Medicine, Assam -
Service Name VAT Registration Department Name Finance -
Service Name Valuation certificate of animal/bird for insurance Department Name Animal Husbandry and Veterinary -
Service Name Withdrawal of Application/Service - Vahan Department Name Transport -
Service Name Withdrawal of DL Application/Service - Sarathi Department Name Transport -
Service Name e-Chitha for Patta Land for Current Year Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management -
Service Name e-Complaint Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name e-FIR Department Name Home and Political -
Service Name e-Filing of Income Tax Return (ITR) Department Name Finance -
Service Name e-Khajana Department Name Revenue and Disaster Management